What always happen? Life.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I could really use a wish right now.

Do you know what makes me happy today?
It's not that hard to guess right.
Though I've yet to touch it, I know it is waiting for me inside a cold cold place. Rawr, IT IS MINE ^^

School's alright today except for the fact that I was very, very grumpy cause I was hungry. Like really really veriberi hungry you know! :( Yesterday also like that! :( Hahaha, plus pms :( sorrrieeeee. hahaha. I gonna speak twit nowwww ^^v

Thanks MayMayMon for accompanying me to Holland V!
Initial plan is to get frolicks home tub for myself and esther and go to Udders Kilat to return Esther the receipt and money but change of plan cause got cravings for meatballs and maymay want eat chicken wings so we went Ikea instead. Random, I like! (Y) waited for stupid 61 for like... 25 minutes so I knew we couldn't get back to the shop in time. Esther ends work at 6pm~

Anwz, I still can't quite believe what we spend on today. We were both dressed down and erh... quite chui and all and we shopped :(

Oh, and I received my parcel from Shesprees likka finally -,- but she forgot my sheer hearts tights :( I mailed her but I have no idea if she will get back to me. Urgh, getting so impatient. It took me like 3 weeks after the goods arrived to get it leh :C <-mega sad face

Listening to Airplanes reminds me of what lele told me. That time when we were at barrage, she told me to eat the airplanes that flew past. She say when I eat 100, I can make a wish and it will come true. I know it might sound a little silly but it won't hurt to give it a try right? :) Right now, I only ate 8 :( I need 92 more. I want to be at the east side of S'pore right now. I could eat 100 in a day or two. I can't wait to make a wish.

Quote of the day:
Beginnings are scary. Endings are sad. It’s the middle that counts the most. So don’t look so hard for happy endings because you might miss the best part of the story.
This picture is kinda sweet in a sad way but it is so cute!!!

Bye, I need to do BCOMM sales scenario now :( :( :( it sucks to be me :(
Right, I hope I won't be late for AUDIT lecture tomorrow which is kinda... impossible.
Happy cos' my Uni Jetstream pen is so smooth and I like my handwriting written with it, lol :) Hmm, I need to make doing face exercise my daily regime :O

Yay, the weekend is nearing! ^^v
I don't like my timetable for Fridays though :(

Food binge round 10. Mode: ON :C :C :C

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